Benefits of reading for mental and mental health



 Benefits of reading for mental and mental health      Whether you are that avid or ordinary reader; Keen to buy the best-selling books or a book suggested by a friend .. This means that you spend your time well, because one of the advantages of reading books and novels is that it provides fun, thus it can provide an escape from boredom or stress.How can reading books help us better understand and interact with others? How does reading contribute to maintaining our mental health? How does reading expand our viewpoints and contribute to our growth as individuals? All these benefits and more for what you read; We know it through the following lines. benefits of readingScience proves the benefits of reading for mental health and longevityStudies have shown that "being lost in books carries unexpectedly powerful advantages for our mental development and feelings of belonging as well as for the development of social skills, longevity and mood management," says professor of communication science at Ohio University, Dr. Melanie Green, "it is possible that You get lost in the world of a book that you are reading if it is of high quality, and the estimation of that varies from one reader to another. Reading is a means of transmission! In it the quality of reading depends on the reader himself, regardless of whether it is a quick reading, poetry, romance story, or adventure teaser book. If we feel integrated to the point of being lost in the world of text, we will "move on", as this does not depend on understanding the contents written in the book, but rather Reading offers us the following benefits:Your sense of the characters in books and novels helps you become who you want to beYou learn by getting lost in books about other characters, thus being the person you want, says Professor of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto; Keith Oatley: "When you read a story .. you give up some of your habits and thoughts, you form a perception of being a different person in a way that you would not adopt in different circumstances."Uttley tested two groups: The first I read a science fiction book and the second I read a factual book; As a result, the first group showed higher levels of empathy than the second group.Although this result does not decide which is better for reading (real or science fiction), and does not attempt to determine the reader's better taste; It has proven that a person is affected and sympathetic when reading stories about other people, even if they are a figment of the writer’s imagination, similar to your sympathy for people in your ordinary life. This is what reading offers you. It enhances your ability to understand others .. Utley says: "It is important in Our social life is to understand ourselves and others, and not to get stuck in the problem of understanding each other. "
Reading provides the sense of belonging that all human beings needReading satisfies the human need for communication as it simulates our feelings in cases of real interaction and contact with others, so do not think that the fictional Harry Potter character cannot spend time with you! ... When you read and become part of the writer's fictional world; With characters, you experience the same feelings and feelings of communication that arise in real life. Psychology professor Shira Gabriel says: "Anytime we feel connected to others, we have overall satisfaction and feel happy about our way of life. The word others include both." Realistic (in life) and fictional (in books) ", and this was proven by the experience of Dr. Otelli and his friends at the University of Toronto, Canada; Where 140 students, divided into two groups, read fiction novels, and then reported that their feelings during reading are similar to the satisfaction and happiness they feel in real social life through their interaction with real people.Reading sharpens all social skillsAn amazing result according to the study .. The researchers explain that reading books helps us develop our social skills in a way that makes us more sensitive by understanding the characters, and neuroscientists have proven that a part of our brain will be used when we show sympathy with a fictional character, where the effect is the same when we deal with Real person.The research also showed the aforementioned; People who read fairy tales have higher scores on both empathy tests and social ability tests (communicating and providing help to others), so people who sympathize accept more reading, and the way they behave in real life also changes and they appear true heroes in some social situations that exist. It requires tough character and problem-solving ability.Reading is good for brain health and helps you live longer years of lifeIs this true ?! Yes, neuroscientists have proven through this study that interacting with words stimulates the area dedicated to learning languages ​​in the brain, and that reading can not only expand a person's vocabulary and develop his ability to process abstract concepts, but also reduces the chances of disturbances. Cognitive also has, “reading by engaging and interacting with the brain; keeping it effective enough to prevent cognitive decline associated with a variety of diseases that cause death, such as Alzheimer's and dementia.” Just as your body’s muscles are strengthened with exercise .. Intensive reading trains our brains through mental activity during Reading, and the development of the brain's defense capabilities against diseases as well, this was proven by a study on the relationship of life-long cognitive activity to neurological and cognitive problems during aging. Researchers said: “The activities of people who read are related to their motivational way of life (willingness to live) later on and cognitively protect them in advanced life stages,” according to a study on the relationship of reading books to the length of the years of life that a person lives, where researchers found that reading books (and not Magazines or newspapers) have a protective role regardless of gender, wealth, education or health, as reading extends life and may reduce the potential death rate by 20%, for people who spend long time reading and reading books. Reading good books gives freedomWe often deal with reading books as a means of escape, it is not a cowardly method .. but a good and effective way to deal with our stress, so if your energy is low or you want a rest ... you just have to read an interesting book, and other media such as music and some TV programs contribute Also in reducing the effect of daily stress on health according to a 2016 study on the theory of mood management, which is based on the basic assumption that individuals have the drive to end or reduce negative emotional states and maintain and intensify the positive effect, but the effect of reading is faster and deeper than the effect of music or entertainment media. The other, and we will talk about this point shortly.Of course .. you cannot ignore anxiety and stress about real-life problems, but you know that spending time to think about a solution and control the problem is out of the question most of the time, and it may be vulgar for some of you that reading helps you grow and sharpen your ability to solve problems, especially while you are suffering from the problem; But reading ... gives you new opportunities and ways to think and perhaps find solutions to some of what seems like real-life dilemmas.
Healthy readingTips for how reading can improve our health and cope with stressReading represents food that nourishes the mind .. It is good to think of books through their health benefits. Just six minutes of daily reading may contribute to relieving your stress, because it requires mental focus and your brain is overwhelmed with the details of what you read, and then the imagination that the writer weaves, regardless of the type of book; He will carry you with him as soon as parts of your brain begin to interact and share or empathize with story characters, so how does reading fiction affect our mental health? .. And why is the public library the best place to wander and clear the mind? What is the secret of your feeling of being connected with the world as a whole through? What drives you to re-read some books over and over to discover something new each time, and the answer to the effect of healthy reading on us is evident through:1- Enjoyable reading relieves stress and tension and helps you relax: Because textbooks, for example, and research references are not helpful in relieving your tension, there is nothing wrong with holding an interesting book or novel before bed, which will stabilize the heart rate, and also help you relax.2- Escape to other worlds through books: getting lost in a book is a safe, easy, effective and inexpensive way to take a mental vacation, unlike holidays in the real world. Your literary travels are not limited by time, geography, space or even physics, you can go anywhere And at any time.3- Reading contributes to refining creative thinking and the ability to solve problems: Regardless of what may happen to you in your life, you will be able to find books that talk about personalities who have lived similar experiences to theirs. Their lessons can help you think differently or deal with Your problem in a way that you have not experienced before, or at least you live those pleasant moments that you are not alone in your problem and that life is not without people who share your sadness even if they are a figment of the imagination of a writer, I often return to novels I read years ago because I miss friends who were with me in the darkest moments Al-Omar .. They are always there for me, for you, and for every reader he meets tomorrow.4- Reading improves memory and reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's: As we said in a previous paragraph, and many studies have talked about the important relationship between reading and memory, so this is not limited to training memory on a daily basis, but there are neurological effects that help prevent memory loss associated with aging and disease Alzheimer's.5- Reading contributes to an increase in the level of intelligence: Reading also increases your ability to learn, no matter what kind of books you read, so the more you read, the more you learn, so you will increase reading and enhance your brain health.6- Reading improves sleep habits and contributes to eliminating insomnia: Studies have shown that establishing a regular bedtime routine is essential to help you fall asleep faster and for a longer period of time with better quality; Including the habit of reading a book an hour before bed.7- Reading contributes to improving your life in other ways: including personal and professional relationships, work and school. A study found that people who read regularly are more likely to engage in the activities of their communities at the local and cultural readingDevelop useful reading ability and speed-reading mastery stepsThere is no doubt that your daily life is full, perhaps crammed with responsibilities, work obligations, demands of both family and friends, and other tasks that eat up your time, and since mental health is an important part of your overall health, finding time to fit a reading session into your daily routine can be beneficial. Here are some ideas. To help motivate you to choose your book and develop your reading habit:- Make a list of books that you will read during the coming period by searching for good books: Finding these books may be a challenge for you .. At first you will be subject to poor decision-making due to the large number of books available, thus you may drain your energy before you even start In reading, to reduce the effort in choosing books, you can search for a curated list compiled by characters you like. You can also use the search on Google for "favorite books" of the successful people you follow on social media. You can also ask your friends. Reading lovers can suggest you some titles, and we are ready to suggest books that are compatible with your interests.How to enjoy reading: To get results, you should enjoy reading, and you may start by choosing books that are directly related to a personal interest or a skill that you want to develop as mentioned, then set a specific time every day for reading, depending on your own interests and read from 10 to 20 pages on a daily basis ( We'll rely on a reading plan shortly.) You can choose books related to personal development, healthy or married life, improving productivity, etc.Plan your reading habit: Set one hour each day when you can cut back on one or more time-wasting activities. You can schedule reading during breaks after lunch or dinner, or early in the morning before going to work (you'll know the importance of early morning reading. In a little while), try to plan your reading habit like this:1- Find books to start reading and stack them next to your favorite reading place for easy viewing.2- Make sure that there is a pen and paper over the stack of books, so you can jot down any ideas you get during the reading.3- Try to focus on reading for at least 20 minutes, or start reading 20 pages a day, which means about 30 minutes.- Read as much as you can: Your reading time is not limited to 30 minutes a day when you have more time..Read as much as possible. You will notice that your writing skills also improve when you start reading on a daily basis, due to the new concepts that you learn constantly.- Read early in the morning: It is useful to start your day by reading at least 20 pages in the morning, even if that means waking up one hour before your routine appointment .. In the morning your mind is clear and your body is relaxed after sleep, so it is an ideal moment to invest in Yourself, remember that most of the habits that have a great impact on your life today; It's not urgent though important, so you need to take small steps to make big changes.- Practice speed reading: If you read faster, you will finish books faster, but you must make sure to focus and memorize some of what you read .. In order to improve your reading speed and allow balance speed and understanding of what you read, follow these steps:1- Start by removing all distractions by turning off the TV or PC, for example.2- Choose a book, get a timer and turn it on, then read 10 pages and record the results.3- Take a quick look at the title, introduction, section headings and conclusions.4- Do not read every word, skipping some words and prepositions will not affect.5- Stop uttering words or uttering them in your head, and try to comprehend and read whole sentences and paragraphs, as well as do not pause between paragraphs.6- Use your finger or a pen to direct your eyes and follow the reading pace.In conclusion ... First of all, get to know your interests ... and start reading accordingly. Set your goal of reading and set a daily time for reading, which you should put in your priority list. You can also get a reading partner or register in a book club, feel free to develop The habit of reading due to its many benefits on your health and the health of your brain in particular, just as reading will contribute as you continued with us .. in refining your ability to communicate effectively in your cultural, personal and professional environment, as well as the ability to solve problems, and you will not be alone, you are with the book "the best companion."

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