HOUSES AND PALACE OF SIDI BOU SAIDIn Sidi Bou Saïd, the doors are the smile of the houses. Painted in blue or bright yellow, arched or rectangular, framed in carved stone, ceramic or white and black marble… each has its own style. The most beautiful are decorated with large black nails expertly arranged in stars, rosettes, in the shape of cypress or fish. During your walk, don't hesitate to leave the main street to explore the alleys: with every step, a new door will surprise you. Sidi Bou Saïd was once the favorite vacation spot for privileged families in Tunis. By the sea, they recreated their refined way of life under the protection of the tomb of Sidi Abou Saïd, a holy man of the 13th century. Behind the simply whitewashed walls sometimes hide real palaces. One of them was built by a European who fell in love with the village in 1912, Baron Rodolphe d´Erlanger; transformed into a museum, it now hosts concerts. Other houses have become art galleries or guesthouses.