Wearing jewelry: What jewelry do you wear for your elegance?



Wearing jewelry is a show of a woman's elegance, good taste and refinement, but the process of choosing the right jewelry for a woman can be difficult, so we offer some advice here.

Wearing accessories is an integral part of your appearance, as it personalizes your outfits, and is an important and essential accessory to your jewelry wardrobe. Jewelry gives you a feminine character, especially if it is carefully chosen to suit the colors and styles of your clothes.

Wearing Jewelry: A Complete Guide

Choose the right jewelry colors

If you want to wear jewelry during the day, you have to choose pieces and colors that suit the colors of your clothes and also suit the timing, because appearing in evening jewelry in the morning will make your appearance flashy and exaggerated. But if you want to wear jewelry in the evening parties, this will be easy and simple, because the night jewelry is suitable with most colors, especially the silver-colored and golden-colored jewelry. But do not mix the two colors together, it is known that these two colors are opposite to each other, choose the right color for your clothes to wear.

Consistency between the top piece and what you wear around your neck

Top pieces such as necklaces or earrings must be proportional to the color of the upper piece of clothing, and to detail it as well, for example:

If you are going to wear an open-necked blouse, the best thing to wear from jewelry is a necklace that occupies that area above the opening of the blouse, and make the earrings and necklace coordinate with each other, you can buy ready-made sets that may contain earrings, necklaces and rings as well, or buy the two pieces separately. But close colors and shapes consistent with each other.

But if you are going to wear a closed upper piece at the neck and chest area, it is better to wear a long chain in a color appropriate to the color of the piece, in addition to earrings and ring as well.

When choosing earrings, choose what suits the shape of your hairstyle and divide your face, for example if you are leaving your hair loose, it is better to choose earrings with small or medium lobes, but if you will collect your hair back or comb it in the form of a ponytail or a bun, it is in order to give a good look to your face You should wear earrings with large cloves or dangling down.

Wearing jewelry in the hands

If you want to wear jewelry on the hands, recently many modern formations have appeared for the hands, not only regular rings but bracelets tied to your rings, and rings dedicated to the region of the upper fingers, and the latter give a very attractive look to the hands. If you have full hands, then small and light rings will be the best choice for you, but if you have thin hands and long fingers, rings with large lobes and engravings will be more suitable for you. You can wear more than one ring, but try not to make the total number of rings on both hands exceed three, for example you can wear two rings on one hand, and in the other wear the delicate ring on the top of one of the fingers.

Wear jewelry around the wrist

Wrist jewelry gives an elegant and modern look, such as watches inlaid with stones or bracelets made of precious stones and lobes of various colors. Choose the bracelets to match the color of your upper piece of clothing, especially the sleeves. You have to choose the bracelets and watches that match the color of your clothes, the golden color is suitable with any other color, so choosing a watch or gold bracelet is the perfect choice if you feel confused in choosing the right color.

Do not wear bracelets or watches on both hands, but rather wear what you want on one side, this will give you a more elegant and attractive look, for example: wear a gold watch and add a gold bracelet to it as well, and make sure that the bracelet does not overwhelm the appearance of the watch, so choose a thin and inexpensive bracelet.

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