9 tips for pregnant women to lose weight without dieting


 Special diet for pregnant women:

The pre-pregnancy stage is one of the most important stages for a woman, as she must be well prepared, psychologically and physically, in order to get pregnant in good conditions and receive her fetus in a healthy and healthy manner. If she has a deficiency in any vitamin or essential nutrients, she should consult her doctor to compensate the body for this deficiency so that it does not affect the formation of the fetus. And if a pregnant woman suffers from a significant increase in weight or obesity, she must submit to a strict healthy diet determined by the doctor (pregnant woman’s diet).

Special diet for pregnant women

9 tips for pregnant women to lose weight without dieting.

  • Pregnant women should not eat a lot of carbohydrates (bread, pasta and potatoes).

  • Reducing the intake of sugars, cakes and biscuits, especially in the evening, because they contain a lot of calories.

  • Have a cup of warm milk before bed.

  • For fast food, make sure to eat meals that contain a small percentage of calories.
  • When feeling very hungry, it is recommended to eat bran biscuits, a slice of low-fat cheese or skimmed yogurt.
  • Refrain from consuming soft drinks and replace them with fresh juice, because they prevent the absorption of calcium and vitamin “D” and cause osteoporosis and deformation of the fetus’s skeleton.
  • It is recommended to eat sugar substitutes such as fructose sugar.
  • In the case of a normal pregnancy, it is recommended to drink two liters of water without counting the natural juice, and it is preferable to walk daily for half an hour or more.
  • Consult a specialist doctor in order to choose the appropriate diet

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