Books You Must Read To Master Communication Skills: The Art of Public Speaking (Summary)


      Addressing people in various gatherings and on many different occasions is one of the most difficult tasks facing anyone exposed to such a situation, and it requires a lot of skills and preparations that allow standing confidently in front of people, directing the speech and delivering the message to be conveyed, and this is book  “The Art of Public Speaking” talks about this art, its secrets, and ways of learning that help to master speaking and acquire the art of public speaking.

The Art of Public Speaking

    The Art of Public Speaking is one of the most important books authored by Dale Carnegie in the field of human and self-development. The author urged readers in all chapters of the book to develop courage and self-confidence, and to learn the “art of public speaking” and its opening and closing skills. And mastering the skill of speaking and standing in front of the listeners, and other important axioms in the "art of public speaking". 

     It is worth noting that the author, in this book, tries to help the reader gain confidence, which is undoubtedly an essential element that must be learned by anyone who wants to master the “art of public speaking”, and then the preacher can influence others and deliver speeches that will influence and improve Who is meant to receive and listen. Dale Carnegie wrote his book in twelve chapters with related titles closely and essential to mastering the "Art of Public Speaking". 

There is no doubt that getting to know the book of the art of public speaking is no less important than entering into its depths in its chapters. Therefore, a quick summary should be mentioned about what Dale Carnegie mentioned. In his book “The Art of Public Speaking” : 

Chapter One: Developing Courage and Self-Confidence,” Dale Carnegie offers in this chapter four necessary tips for anyone who wants to be a good orator in front of listeners, namely:

  •  Start with a strong desire. You must follow your topic with determination and vitality, and the learner must direct his attention towards self-study, thinking with self-confidence and the ability to speak more persuasively in front of the audience. 
  • Know exactly what you are going to talk about. The preacher must be aware of himself, avoid neglect and indifference, and he must know what is going on around him, and what he is going to talk about. 
  • Act with confidence. The evidence for this lies in the will. If the preacher wants to be confident, he acts with confidence, stands straight and looks into the eyes of the people in front of him, and begins speaking with confidence. 
  • training! training! training! Training is the first and last effective step for generating self-confidence in the art of public speaking, and without training nothing can happen well, and the learner will not achieve anything without it.

 Chapter Two: The Art of Speech Preparation In this chapter, the author presents the correct steps for the correct preparation of the speech we want to deliver, namely:

  •  the correct preparation, it is necessary to prepare properly, read what is to be talked about carefully and take the necessary notes on it. 
  • Preparation means thinking, preparing means thinking, deducing, remembering, testing what you like, refining it and collecting it into an artistic unit that you create.
  •  How do you define the topic of the sermon? There are many bases for choosing the topic of the sermon, for example, but not limited to: choosing the most exciting topics in the surrounding world, choosing it before a period of time to be able to think about it for enough time, not dividing it and choosing a specific angle to discuss it, and others. 
  • Secret of backup power by gathering more information and materials, in order to make sure that the information you have is correct, and for the effect it will have on your mind and style of sermon. 

Chapter Three: How did the most famous preachers prepare their sermons? Dale Carnegie says here: The speech is a journey of purpose, and this journey must be privileged, as the preacher must master the art of delivering his sermon. It is easy, for they have followed very important steps in order to prepare excellent speeches, such as building the speech in a good manner, and others. 

Chapter Four: Improving Memory Dale Carnegie mentioned in this chapter (the natural laws of memory) that improve memory and help the speaker remember what he wants to say, and these laws of memory are only three based on which the (memory apparatus) was established, namely: impression, Repetition and Coherence of Ideas These laws are undoubtedly very important in our daily lives as well.

 Chapter Five: The Basic Elements of a Successful Speech To write a successful speech, the essential elements are indispensable, and they are as follows:

  •  The necessity of perseverance and continuous work.
  • Success decision. 
  • The inevitability of reward. 
  • Don't think of defeat. 
  • desire to win. 

Chapter Six: The Secret of Good Recitation He avoids gossip and unimportant details. 

Chapter Seven: The Pulpit:

 Presence and Personality Personality is a very important element in the art of public speaking, as it may be considered the most important factor in the speech delivered, and therefore it is necessary to strive and focus on appearing with a strong attractive personality with a clear presence, and it is important to focus on going comfortably when delivering the sermon and interview The audience, a tired orator is not attractive. 

Chapter Eight: How do you open the letter???

 There are many and different ways in which the speech can be opened, including: 

  1. Opening the speech with interesting and eye-catching introductions.
  2.  Asking interesting questions to the audience.
  3.  Start with short introductions to the main topic. 

Chapter Nine: How do you conclude the speech? 

It is important to master the art of closing the speech, because the opening and closing of the speech are what shows the lack of skill, skill and experience of the preacher, and the conclusion is the most strategic point in the speech, because what the preacher says at the end of the speech is what usually remains ringing in the ears of the listeners, and remains stuck in their minds. Therefore, care must be taken to learn the skill of closing the speech. 

Chapter 10: How do you make it clear what you mean? 

The preacher must follow certain steps that will make his speech clear, namely: 

  1. Appending ideas with general examples and specific facts.
  2.  Avoid technical expressions. 
  3. Don't compete with the mountain goats, ie don't rush your speeches and don't jump gracefully from point to point until you've completed the most points in a very short time. 

Chapter Eleven: How do you interest your audience?

  The audience's interest can be aroused by discussing the issues that concern them, and not those of the speaker, in addition to the importance of the speaker being objective and expressive, realistic and specific, and paying attention to the importance of building suggestive words that help the audience in drawing flowing images before their eyes. 

Chapter Twelve: How to Improve Your Style? 
Whoever wants to improve his style can dive into the depths of books and rooms of the tributaries of literature, and a lot of reading and reading, so that he can expand his store of words, and be able to wash and refine his mind. The art of speaking and rhetoric.

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