Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits



Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

Those who exercise on the sea get double benefits:

Summer is an ideal opportunity for those wishing to enjoy their holidays and practice all kinds of sports, especially marine and beach. Health and fitness experts advise not to give in to laziness during the holidays and to take advantage of the summer and sea beaches to practice many exercises that will help a person enjoy good health and high physical fitness, especially as it combines the benefits of physical activity and the benefits of sea water, sand and the outdoors.

 Sport on the sea is a storehouse for health and fitness benefits

  The latest scientific research has confirmed that rest and long vacations at the seaside may turn from a source of pleasure and to improve the level of health and fitness to a cause of harm to health. A number of health scientists revealed that long vacations or abstaining from any physical or mental activities have negative effects on the health and mental state of a person.

According to British scientists, “spending long vacations or resting on the beaches without doing any physical or mental activities can increase the risk of serious diseases that may cause early death. During vacations, the body loses a portion of its muscle mass and the percentage of fat accumulated in it increases.”

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

On the other hand, scientists from the German University of Erlangen confirmed that “brain activity decreases during rest at a noticeable rate, and spending long periods without performing any mental operations can lead to a deterioration in cognitive abilities over time, and sleeping for long hours (more than 9 hours) during vacations. It has negative effects on health.”

It is noteworthy that many studies had talked about the risks of low physical and mental activity on the mental and physical health of humans, as well as its negative effects on mental health. And scientists from the University of Liverpool, British, had revealed that recreation or lying on the beaches for long periods of time may cause early death sometimes, as their research showed that people who do not change their eating habits during vacations and at the same time reduce their motor activity by an average of almost 80 percent, they expose themselves to injury. Muscle atrophy and the accumulation of harmful fats in the body. Most of these researches concluded that it is necessary to keep exercising, and why not increase the demand for it and give it more time during vacation periods.

People who do not change their eating habits during the holidays and reduce their physical activity by an average of 80% expose themselves to muscle atrophy and fat accumulation

Several studies revealed the many benefits of sea water, while others emphasized the importance of exercising outdoors and on the beach in particular. Other studies have said that sand has a lot of benefits when we exercise directly on it with bare feet. These benefits can be doubled if they coincide at the same time and are combined with rest, recreation and holidays.

People who are interested in their fitness and health accept many sports offered by the sea environment, the most prominent of which is swimming, which has been scientifically proven to have great benefits on the body.

Health and fitness experts recommend jogging and walking barefoot on the sand, especially in the morning or at sunset to avoid sun damage. They also stress the importance of team and bilateral games that can be played, such as volleyball, beach soccer and racquetball, which are games that consume a lot of energy and burn a lot of calories and thus benefit in reducing excess weight.

To get the full benefit of these sports, coaches and health and fitness experts recommend not forgetting sunscreen, umbrellas and hats to protect the head, as well as sunglasses. They stress the importance of drinking significant amounts of water to avoid dehydration of the body as a result of sweating and exerting effort, while making sure to wet the body and scalp constantly with water. In addition to doing warm-up movements before starting the group beach games to prevent sunstrokes.

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

There are exercises that do not depend on a lot of physical movements, and it is also one of the sports that can be practiced on the sea to get a double benefit, including yoga, which allows a person to feel relaxed, as well as benefit from sitting in front of the sea, which enhances the feeling of calm and comfort.

Fitness experts recommend practicing plank exercises, which work on tightening the bulk of the body's muscles by lying on the abdomen on the sand and then lifting the body while resting on the arms and toes only. At the same time, make sure to push the heels of the feet back during the exercise and settle in this position for a minute or more and then resume again.

Many exercises can also be practiced while lying on the beach, including abdominal exercises and exercises to strengthen the buttocks and feet. An American study has shown that staying on the beach has great health benefits, in addition to the fun and relaxing effect, due to the combination of three components, namely the sun, sand and sea water. Each of them has great and distinctive benefits, and it is known that sunlight has benefits in helping the body manufacture vitamin D, as exposure to it for 10 minutes is sufficient to provide the body with the daily need of it, in addition to the effect of ultraviolet rays in lowering blood pressure.

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

Doctors point out that it is very important to persevere in walking on the sands of the sea, as it has been proven to have various benefits, especially when the feet are barefoot. .

The study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, also addressed the benefits of recreation at the seashore and its effects on rejuvenating vitality and activity, the most important of which is improving mood and rejuvenation thanks to nature and open places, especially near the water such as the beach or lakes.

In addition, walking with bare feet on the sand helps in direct contact with the ground, and there are many studies that confirm the benefits of this contact, or what is called “earthing,” on the cardiovascular system, immunity, blood and ridding the body of free radicals. Earthing also has many benefits for the cardiovascular system.

And do not forget the benefits of sea water, which the study says are innumerable, because it contains salts such as potassium, magnesium and iodine, all of which are useful in treating infections and helping the body to get rid of toxins when immersing in it. Swimming and playing with water are also activities that lead to relaxation and stress relief. The study mentioned that swimming is one of the sports that helps to strengthen the body and lose weight.

swimming for two and a half hours a week can benefit from alleviating chronic diseases and improving heart health. 

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

     And the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in America indicated that swimming for two and a half hours a week can benefit from alleviating chronic diseases and improving heart health, in addition to being a sport that does not cause pressure or increase the load on the joints, and therefore it is considered beneficial for those who suffer from joint diseases or weight gain. Get exercises without causing pain.

  Benefits of walking on the sea:

Many researches have focused on revealing the benefits of walking on beach sand, most notably that it helps to burn a lot of calories as it requires more effort, compared to walking on flat hard surfaces, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

Research has also reported that walking on beach sand prevents certain joint injuries and stress on the ankles and knees. At the time, doctors confirm that walking with bare feet on the beach helps reduce stress and depression, as the person feels energetic, comfortable and psychologically comfortable afterwards.

The beach sand performs a natural massage for the feet and is a natural exfoliator for the skin. In addition, sea water sterilizes the feet and skin and treats some problems caused by bacteria in shoes.

Doctors are encouraged not to give up all kinds of physical and sports activities during holidays, stressing that sitting causes serious damage to the brain and body. And American scientists have recently proven that sitting for a long time damages brain cells and erases any positive benefits that may accrue to those who exercise constantly at the same time, according to what was published by the “Plus One” magazine.

The researchers at the American University of Illinois tested 88 people between the ages of 60 and 78 years, who were classified as physically healthy, but they do not exercise normally, and they monitored and tested the brain and the distribution of water in it.

The results of brain scans showed that people who engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity have a reduced incidence of white matter injury in their brain. The brain's white matter is a part of the central nervous system that is affected by the passage of time and age. The results of the study revealed that people who sit for long hours had more damage to their white matter.

Fitness exercises on the sea get double benefits

Awareness spread among large groups of people about the importance of practicing all kinds of sports, especially on holidays and summers. And the website "" published the results of a study that showed new trends among young beach-goers, indicating that they are more receptive to activities full of movement and vitality and are choosing the destinations frequented by celebrities in the field of fitness.

The results of the “Holidays with Sports Activity” survey revealed that more than 80 percent of individuals in the age group between 18 and 35 years tend to maintain fitness during the trip.

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