Foods that accelerate skin aging


Foods to avoid to keep skin young and supple:

 We sometimes notice that some people appear older than their real age, as wrinkles appear at a young age, which affects their appearance. There are many factors that can lead to the problem of premature aging, most notably the foods you eat. Here is a list of foods that should be avoided to maintain youthful and fresh skin.

Foods to avoid to keep skin young and supple:

Salt: In fact, salt is a poison for the body if you use it in high quantities, so you should not eat more than 1500 mg of salt per day, otherwise this will raise blood pressure and increase the proportion of collagen, which will speed up the process of wrinkles.

Sugar: Just as salt negatively affects the skin, so does sugar, which accelerates aging because it impedes the insulin pathway in the blood.

Reducing sugar to avoid diseases and maintain weight.


Foods to avoid to keep skin young and supple:

Coffee: It is true that there are many aesthetic treatments in which coffee is used for exfoliation, cleaning and moisturizing, but it is used externally, but if you drink a lot of coffee daily, this leads to an increase in the proportion of dry skin, which accelerates the appearance of wrinkles.

 Red meat: Never underestimate the effect of red meat on your health and beauty. Eating meat more than twice a week can lead to an increase in wrinkles and obesity in the long run, as it contains a high percentage of calories.

Soft drinks: Consuming soft drinks has many negative effects on your beauty, because it exposes the teeth to decay and makes your smile pale, and the high amount of sugar in it accelerates the appearance of signs of aging.

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