How to increase the burn by walking


     Achieving the ideal weight has become a global trend, and this trend is no longer restricted to females only; In fact, getting the ideal weight and burning body fat has become a trend for males as well, everyone wants to get a slim figure, and get rid of the excess fat that the body stores, in order to reach the ideal look and enjoy good health, as recent scientific studies have proven that weight gain may lead to osteoporosis And arthritis, as well as the appearance of varicose veins and roughness of the knees, and other health problems that harm the body.

Walking and burning fat

Burn fat:

      Body fat is not a harmful element that must be disposed of whenever it is found, as some think, as fat is an essential element located inside the human body, as fat works to provide the body with the energy it needs, while the accumulation of these fats in separate areas of the body is the harmful thing, so burning excess fat is It is the ideal solution to get rid of the risk of obesity, and the dire consequences that follow.

     It is mentioned that the process of burning fat does not take place by the fat cell going to the muscle cell to be burned there. Energy, so fat is released through the bloodstream to muscle cells, so that it can provide the body with the energy it needs, and thus the burning process takes place in an ideal manner.

Walking and burning fat:

Walking is one of the types of exercise that effectively contributes to burning body fat. Walking burns fat in two ways:

Fast walking: 
This type of walking burns a large amount of body fat, especially if it is maintained.

Walking for long periods: 
This is the second way to burn body fat faster. Fast walking is not the only factor that effectively contributes to burning fat, while walking for long periods and on a daily basis also contributes to the burning process.

It is worth noting that scientific studies have proven that exercising light sports such as walking on a daily basis leads the body to enjoy good health, as it improves the heart rate, burns fat stored within the cells of the body, and stimulates the body to get rid of obesity or the risk of obesity. infection with it.

Walking exercises are applied to burn fat by walking for 15 minutes on a daily basis for a week, and then this period is increased at a rate of 5 minutes each time per week, meaning that the second week is walking by 20 minutes a day, and the next week is 25 minutes in Today and so on until the ideal weight is reached, while burning fat stores that the body does not need.

How many hours to walk to burn a kilo:

Many sports enthusiasts are looking for an hour to burn 1 kilo, so that they follow the specified time to start the journey of losing extra kilograms of their ideal weight, while this belief is incorrect, as the burning of fat depends on the current weight of the person, and the speed of walking, which allows Walking faster burns more calories per hour.

For example, a person may walk 1 mile per hour, here his body will lose approximately 205 calories, and the number of calories lost by the body may be greater according to the general body weight, while if the same person walks 4 miles during one hour; Here, the number of calories burned by the body doubles, to a calorie loss of 410 calories per hour.

How to increase the burn by walking:

Walking can lead the body to lose thousands of calories over a short period, but it requires following a specific strategy, to increase the effectiveness of walking and make it more effective in the process of burning fat.


Walking at the same pace on a daily basis will not make you reach the ideal weight in a short period of time, so you must increase your walking speed during the daily exercise. It is possible to use music, or use a friend to encourage you to walk more quickly, by making a competition between you.

Adding weight:

Although not an idea for everyone, adding weight to the hands or ankles when walking is an excellent plus, and a weighted vest can also be worn to increase the burn.

Mountain climbing: 

Walking in nature is good and will reduce weight in a long range, while using natural terrain will lead to the desired results faster. If you do not find climbable mountains or hills, you can use areas with slopes, or jump on the walking device, taking care Not to touch the fence of the device.

Changing walking speeds: 

The strategy of changing walking speeds is to walk regularly, then walk at double speed for 30 seconds, then walk regularly for a minute, change speed for thirty seconds, and so on until the exercise is completed.

The previous strategies must be followed and maintained to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible.

Walking and burning fat

 Ways to increase calorie burn:

In addition to walking to burn calories in the body, there are a number of proven ways to increase the rate of burning, and to obtain the ideal weight.

  • Strength training:

Strength training based on resistance, is one of the ideal ways to tighten muscles, and get the ideal weight and body in a short period of time.

  • High-protein diet: 

A high-protein diet is also an ideal way to reduce weight naturally, since eating a large amount of protein reduces appetite, in addition to burning a high percentage of fat, especially belly fat, as studies have confirmed the contribution of a high-protein diet. Protein in lowering the level of the abdomen.

  • Regulating sleep hours: 

Several studies have confirmed that sleeping early, while maintaining the normal rate of sleep on a daily basis, reduces the risk of obesity.

Adding vinegar to the diet: In addition to promoting heart health, and controlling blood sugar, it also increases the feeling of fullness, which positively affects the weight loss process.

  • Eating healthy fats: 

There is a misconception that preventing the intake of fats reduces weight, but correcting this belief is that only eating healthy fats leads to weight loss, because healthy fats primarily enhance the feeling of fullness and curb appetite.

  • Eating healthy drinks: 

Reducing the intake of soda and sugar-sweetened juices is a good step in the weight loss journey, as these drinks should be replaced with water or green tea, as these drinks support rapid weight loss.

  • A high-fiber diet: 

fiber moves slowly through the digestive system, enhancing the feeling of satiety, so relying on a high-fiber diet is an excellent idea for effective weight loss.

   Reducing refined carbohydrates: Scientific studies have confirmed that eating refined carbohydrates increases belly fat, so foods that contain refined carbohydrates should be reduced, in order to prevent more fat from forming in this area.

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