The best way to use the interior space


    The interior design of the houses depends on the methods of furnishing and choosing the right colors and places and good angles, and whether the spaces inside the houses are narrow or wide, there are many ways to achieve a wonderful design and appropriate furnishing. This in turn depends on the visual comfort associated with the choice, place, color, lighting, type and arrangement of furniture.

Creative ways to decorate

For this, we offer you simple steps that, when followed, will turn your small rooms into a comfortable space. Through the following instructions, we will discover how furniture, lighting, colors and mirrors have the power to help create the feeling of spaciousness in small spaces.

A- Furniture: 

1- Multifunctional furniture:

Many people don't realize how much useful one piece of multifunctional furniture can be, as it is very effective and a huge space saver as it gives a feeling of bulkiness and spaciousness.

 2- The use of large pieces of furniture in a small space will make the place appear larger, but beware of excessive use of it, as it will lead to crowding of the place. For example, using a large sofa and two chairs will work wonders in your small space.

3- The use of low furniture will help to show the floor in a large way, which will show the place more.

4- It is not recommended to use many accessories or a large number of pieces of furniture. The more room the floor is not crowded with furniture, the larger the room will appear.

5- Keep a moderate distance between pieces of furniture and each other.

6- Matching some pieces of furniture with the colors of the walls will help to see the furniture as part of the wall and mixed with it, which gives a sense of spaciousness.

B- Colors:-

It is a known fact that bright colors help to enlarge small areas, unlike dark colors.

It is always recommended to use different degrees of the same color, for example, paint the wall from the bottom with a darker degree of a certain color, then paint the upper part with a bright degree of the same color, then mix the two degrees in the middle of the wall. That would create a sense of spaciousness.

And if you have moldings on the wall, you can paint the wall a darker shade of the same color as the molding, which will create a feeling of wall depth and room.

As for the ceilings, it is recommended to paint them in bright colors, as they will give a sense of the openness and limitlessness of the ceilings.

With colors, you can also combine two rooms if they are not separated by a wall, by unifying the colors of the walls in both rooms and unifying the floor as well, and the end result will be a large spacious room.

C- Lighting:-

An expert in interior design advises that you invite natural light into your home as this will expand the space inside the home. You can imagine that the combination of natural lighting with the bright colors of the walls would give a sense of the enormity of the place.

If you have large windows, you must make optimal use of them to introduce natural light, which will give the feeling that what is outside is an extension of the inside.

Spreading the lighting around the house will draw more attention to the different parts of the house. The lights can be deployed by using the following:-

  • 1- Corner lights.
  • 2- Backlighting.
  • 3- Illumination of ceilings and walls.
  • 4- Illumination of two opposite walls while keeping the other two walls without lighting, which creates a sense of spaciousness.

Creative ways to decorate

D- Mirrors:-

The mirror is a great deception of the eye that will accentuate every corner in the house.

Mirrors have several uses for enlarging home spaces, the most important of which are the following:-

  • 1- Multifunctional mirrors such as those on doors and cabinets, which create an indescribable room expansion.
  •  2- Hanging a mirror on a wall with dark paint that will reflect the bright colors of the walls on this dark wall.
  • 3- The presence of a large wall mirror from the floor to the ceiling will help create a huge space and height for the room.
  • 4- Having a mirror in front of a window, especially if the window is small, would help to reflect natural light into the room.


These are some, but not all, interior design tricks that you can apply to make your home look great from the inside.

Interior design is the never ending art of pouring its creativity to make your home look more spacious, beautiful and elegant.


Creative ways to decorate

Creative ways to decorate the perfect room with large areas:

The Queen: Although large rooms with large areas provide spaces for many activities, it is necessary to choose the decor of large rooms appropriately, in order to fill in the spaces that could harm their general appearance.

Here is a set of distinctive ideas that give you comfort in the large rooms of the house:


Creative ways to decorate

1- Plants in the corners of the room: The spaces in the corners of the large room can be filled with high plant basins that give a sense of comfort, and at the same time give the room the atmosphere of nature.

2- Painting the walls in two colors: While placing high plants helps to show the height of the ceiling, some people prefer low ceilings, and painting the room in two colors helps to deceive the eye into making the ceiling appear lower than it actually is.

3- Replacing the coffee table with an ottoman sofa: Instead of using a small traditional coffee table, a colorful ottoman sofa can be placed to decorate the room and get a feeling of warmth.

4- Different sofas for sitting: Sofas are one of the best means to fill the voids and spaces in the room, and different types and sizes of sofas can be used for this purpose.

5- Dividing the room with tables: Tables can be used to divide the large room into smaller areas and areas so that each of them appears as an independent room in itself.

6- Wall decorations: Wall decorations that include beautiful decorations and paintings help to increase the warmth and comfort in the room.

Creative ways to decorate

7- Dividing the room in the shape of the letter L: This way is widely used in the decor of modern homes, where cross-shaped sofas are placed in the shape of the letter L to divide the room.

8- Filling the dead spaces of the walls: It is preferable to use some paintings and pictures to fill the dead spaces of the walls instead of leaving them empty.

9- Create an additional area for sitting and reading: The empty spaces in the room can be used to create an additional area for sitting or reading.

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