The secret of a happy marriage


   Marriage is the basis and the basis upon which the marital life between a man and a woman is based, and it is the only organizing contract and the main pillar in the relationship between them. Satisfaction is a sacred relationship that is respected, encouraged and encouraged by all religions, but what is the secret of the success of the relationship between spouses. The secret of the success of the relationship between spouses is based on a set of foundations and ingredients that achieve peace, affection and a happy life between them.

The secret of a happy marriage

the secret of success:


   Marriage does not mean that one of the spouses loses his independence, so each of them must have his own time to spend and exercise his identities away from the other party. The success of the relationship between the spouses.


    A successful marriage does not mean that the spouses agree in all actions and words. Rather, there must be a difference in their attitudes and points of view, and that each of them respects the point of view of the other.

Respect first, then love.

 Spouses must respect each other even in the absence of love between them, love comes with the passage of time, while the lack of respect between spouses or in front of others leads to the decay and killing of love between them, and the consequence of breaking the bonds of the relationship between them ends with separation, and mutual respect between married couples especially During the period of their quarrels, disagreements or dialogues, it is very important, and it is one of the main rules in the secret of the success of the relationship between spouses. 

Each of them must not hurt the feelings of the other party and not harm him, and avoid lying or looking at him with arrogance and superiority or considering him an enemy; Because this would impede the process of quickly returning life between them to normal.



   The romance between the spouses is one of the most important foundations of the secret of the success of the relationship between the spouses, as married couples must renew the romance between them from time to time by bringing gifts, roses, etc., and the spouses will notice the energy and ability of this point to strengthen the relationship between them.

Marital relationship:

   In order to reach a successful relationship between spouses, the marital relationship between them must remain. Positive: Both spouses should focus on the positive things of the other party, and praise them instead of focusing on the negative things.

Honesty and trust between spouses:

Forgiveness and forgiveness:

    Women do not need to learn to forgive; Although she is quick to anger, she is also quick to complacency, and the woman must be ready to forgive the husband for the mistakes he has committed or will commit against her or in the right of their relationship as long as these mistakes do not cross the red lines.


    Most marriages are disintegrated and eliminated by selfishness, but when talking about marriage, self-denial should be avoided and selfishness should be avoided as much as possible.

 Good listening:

    Listening to the other party is very important, especially for women, as what the wife needs most sometimes is to listen to her, but it is not enough to listen alone, but the husband must look into his wife's eyes, which increases her feeling of her being and the importance of what she says, so listening is one of the The most important ingredients of the secret of the success of the relationship between the spouses.

Honesty and Trust:

   A successful marriage is based on honesty and trust between the two parties, as honesty is one of the good qualities that both spouses must possess in the relationship. As for trust, it takes a long time to plant it and get its fruits; It may need months or perhaps even many years.

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