Tips to make your wife sexually happy


    Achieving satisfaction with intimate relationship is something that adds another dimension to marital life and makes it longer life, and stronger in the face of disputes, and this comes by knowing the two parties, communicating between them and clarifying the things that are loved during the intimate relationship, and it requires effort and initiative from the husband to free his wife from shyness and enable her to talk about the things she prefers. 

10 tips to make your wife sexually happy

    These tips to make your wife happy in the intimate relationship to reach the highest levels of love and understanding.. How to make your wife happy in the bedroom Find ways that satisfy the two partners in the intimate relationship is very important, because as we mentioned above, satisfaction with the relationship makes the marriage longer life, the intimate relationship and its ecstasy is a pleasure Nothing else compares to her, so getting both sides to her is very important, and because women are harder to reach orgasm, we give you some tips to help her reach the pinnacle of fun together.

1- Take care of your personal hygiene as you like to find your wife in the best way in terms of appearance and smell.

2- Create a romantic atmosphere Women love the romantic atmosphere, this makes them feel more desired by their lover, so make sure to light the candles and the presence of dim lighting and a scent that both of you like, this will make you two have a perfect relationship.

 3- Foreplay is the secret of the success of the relationship. Men often do not spend enough time in foreplay, although women prefer that, and want to hear words of love and spinning in their beauty and preparing for the relationship through kisses because this helps them to reach orgasm, which satisfies both parties, so they must To spend more time with her. Also Read: Strange Facts You Didn't Know About Intimacy

4-Know the areas of excitement in a woman’s body, more sensitive areas that cause her to be sexually aroused faster, so you should caress her in those areas by kissing, such as the neck area from the back, behind the ears, thighs, toes, lips, breasts and genitals.

5- Talk to her. Women depend in intimate relationship on feelings and fantasies more than realistic vision, so you must tell her how beautiful she is and whisper in her ear with gentle words and describe your feelings about the relationship, this provokes her more, and talking about her beauty and scrutiny with her attractive details increases her self-confidence, which makes her Leave her fear. Read also: Secrets you do not know about the G-spot area and its importance in intimacy

6- Do not be selfish. It is known that a man reaches orgasm faster than a woman, so you should not be selfish and consider your needs only because your wife is not a sexual tool for you, she also has needs and feelings that you must satisfy in order to enjoy a stable and successful relationship for both of you, give her her time and make sure She has really reached the peak and does not pretend to please you, and pay attention to small details such as how appropriate the lighting is for her, her comfort on the bed and whether the situation is suitable for her or not. Read also: Male sexual arousal zones

7- Encourage her to experiment. Your wife may be a little shy, which is normal at the beginning of marriage, especially, here your role is to break the barrier of shyness for her, and when you do that, you must encourage her to try new things when practicing the relationship, such as new places and different situations.. She refuses this at first, so do not despair of trying to convince her, as most women have sexual fantasies that shyness stands in the way of achieving them, especially ashamed of how you look at them. To stop there, it is best to try other things, such as sex games and rely on tickling for your wife's exciting places. Also Read: How To Overcome The Fear Of Intimacy

8-Do not practice the relationship with her as a task that loses its meaning if it turns into a routine task that must be performed and disposed of, so you must make new movements to pump new blood into your relationship and its way. The perfect relationship does not forget to caress the rest of her body with your hands, this enhances her excitement. (Also read.. Secrets you do not know about women's sexual arousal)

 9- Her orgasm First we repeat this point because it is the most important, you must control yourself and control your access to the top of your orgasm after you reach it first so that you do not have to fabricate the matter, which causes a gap between you later.

 10- Do not give her your back after completing the relationship. The body produces substances that help to relax, and this is evidence of its success, but there is a difference between relaxing and giving your wife your back upon completion, as this makes her feel that you do not love her enough and do not care for her, so the post-relationship period is very important to me. Women convey a message of love and gratitude to them, so you should hug your wife and talk about the actions that you liked the most in the relationship. Also read: Things you do that spoil your enjoyment of the intimate relationship How to make your wife emotionally happy And satisfying this need gives us the balance we desire in married life, so we talked before about making the wife happy in an intimate relationship.

10 tips to make your wife sexually happy

     And now we will talk about things that you should take into account about your emotional relationship:

1- Say “sorry” when you err in our eastern culture, some of the completely wrong legacies, which lack the manhood of anyone who apologizes to his wife, as if she is his archenemy, or as if she is inferior to him, so he should not apologize to her.. This is of course a look that does not create a calm home and relationship Happy marriage, we are all human, share and make mistakes, and acknowledging our mistakes and apologizing for them, makes understanding between us better.. These are truisms of course, but we must emphasize them. Read also: The most common problems in relationships and their solution. 

2- Respect their privacy You are two different people, you are not one with the same needs, of course you know a lot about each other and share most things with transparency and trust, but at the same time each of you has a personal space and privacy regarding the secrets of friends and family, for example, Respecting the privacy of your wife is very important, as well as respecting the privacy of the relationship, not disclosing its secrets, and discussing its details in front of people. Read also: Things you should do every day to enjoy a successful marriage. 

3- Don't compare it to others We all want our loved ones to be the most beautiful, intelligent and stature among people, and sometimes we compare them to others in order to be the best, but this is a big mistake.. you should not do that with your wife And never compare her to other women, every woman has her own beauty.. Encourage your wife and give her self-confidence and if you don't like something from her you can tell her in a smart way and without hurting her, and don't do it in front of anyone else. Also read: What are the five love languages ​​and which language do you speak 

 4-Pay attention to what you like to share, build bridges between you, discover yourself and areas of common interests, from here we advise you to share with your wife a hobby you love, for example, learn tango with her, or share a volunteer work, or have her suggest you A playlist of music to her taste on your way to work.. Find something in your wife's interests that can bring you both together and create common spaces. Read also: Tips to break the boredom and apathy in the relationship after marriage. 

 5-Respect her family Showing appreciation and respect for your family Your wife is undisputed, even if you disagree with them about anything, but you must respect them and do not say anything that offends them even if your wife is personally on Disagreement with them, understanding her family and your respect for them, your respect and love for your wife. Read also: How to renew the emotional relationship between you and your husband.

 6-Tell her your love I know that there is a small hair between the approach that a person gets bored of him, and the distance that leads to apathy .. Do not be either of them, do not tell your wife all the time that you love her, so the word loses its beautiful meaning And do not be dry with it, sparsely expressing what is in your heart, and content with your actions, for your words “I love you” have the effect of magic on the satisfaction of your wife, and just as “I love you” does not sing about actions that indicate love, actions also do not sing about declaring love. 

    In the end, know that the ways to make your wife happy are endless, and the simplest things can bring pleasure to your wife's heart and make her very happy, just learn to do everything with the intention of love and nothing else..

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