Effective ways to increase fat burning in my body


    How to speed up the metabolism and burn fat? 
Effective ways to increase fat burning in my body

Effective ways to increase fat burning in my body

  Metabolic processes continue inside the body to keep it alive and for the body's organs to function normally, and metabolism and burning fat in the body can be accelerated by following the following tips:

  • Do aerobic exercise such as walking, biking and swimming for at least 150 minutes per week.
  • Increase muscle mass in the body through weightlifting and intense exercise.
  • Keeping the body active by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, for example.
  • Ensure that you do not have Cushing's syndrome or hypothyroidism that affects metabolism.
  • Get an adequate amount of protein with every meal during the day.
  • Drink plenty of cold water.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Eat spicy foods.
  • Get enough sleep during the night.
  • Drinking coffee.
  • Replace cooking oils with coconut oil.
  • Add vinegar to the diet.
  • Eat healthy fats.
  • Avoid sweetened or carbonated drinks.
  • Eat foods rich in fiber.
  • Avoid eating refined carbohydrates.
  • Eat iron-rich foods.
  • Try intermittent fasting.

10 ways to burn calories in the body:

   Increasing metabolic rates, or what is known as burning calories, is the most requested goal for all those looking to lose or maintain weight. However, it should be realized that the basal metabolic rate has several factors that determine its value that cannot be controlled, such as genetics, age, gender, and some hormones and medications.

   And calorie burning in men is usually greater than in women even during rest times, and metabolic rates decrease after the age of forty in both men and women. There are also some people who have a genetically active metabolic rate, and others, on the contrary, suffer from genetic slowness in metabolic rates accompanied by gaining extra weight in the body.

  And while we don't have the ability to control our age or our genetics, which determine the basal metabolic rate, there are other ways to increase calorie burn and metabolic rates. Here are 10 of the most important ones.

Boost muscle mass:

The body burns calories all the time even when we do not make any effort, but the metabolic rate increases during times of rest for those who have greater muscle mass, as each kilo of muscle consumes 12 calories during the day without making any effort, at the time when every kilo of muscle is consumed A kilo of fat has only 4 calories throughout the day. Therefore, the greater the muscle mass in the body, the higher the metabolic rates, even while at rest.

Exercising at high intensity increases muscle mass at the expense of fat mass; And because muscles need to consume more calories, more calories are expended as they increase.

Eat snacks between main meals:

When a person is satisfied with eating the main meals of the day leaving a lot of hours between them, the rate of burning calories decreases during the hours between meals, so it is better to eat some snacks (snacks) between main meals every 3 or 4 hours to maintain high metabolic rates. The more meals eaten throughout the day, the more calories burned.

And every time a person eats a snack, the digestive system begins to digest the food and absorb nutrients from it, which leads to the consumption of calories to release energy from the nutrients. Preferably, these snacks are high in fiber and low in calories, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products.


Certain exercises, such as weight training and aerobic exercises, help build significant muscle mass, as these exercises increase your body's metabolic rates for up to hours after you finish exercising. The more intense the exercise and the effort made, the more calories the body burns during the rest periods after exercise.

   Exercising, such as cycling, walking, swimming, and others, for at least 30 minutes a day is suitable for burning calories, and some people who want to lose weight may need to increase the time of physical activity.

    Even in the absence of the ability or lack of time to exercise aerobic, it can at least maintain the habit of walking on a daily basis, or do alternative activities such as:

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park the car in a place far from the place of work or the place of shopping.
  • Doing activities in the garden of the house.
  • Do some housework.
  • Walking in the office or at home.

Drinking coffee:

Coffee lovers have a good metabolism rate, along with the energy and focus they get from coffee; The caffeine in it helps increase metabolic rates in order to provide more energy to the body.

Caffeine is a stimulant, and stimulants help increase calorie burning. Caffeine may also cause changes in the body's metabolism, which can lead to more calorie burning.

Effective ways to increase fat burning in my body

Drink a lot of water:

Water is one of the most important elements that the body needs in order to increase the metabolic rate, and people who fail to drink water judge their bodies to have a slow metabolism.

An adult person needs about 8 glasses of water per day, and the need may increase with weight gain; Therefore, daily doses of water or unsweetened beverages must always be maintained, as well as a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits that contain good proportions of water as well.

It is preferable that the water be cold when drinking it; Because the body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, and when drinking cold water, the body works to raise the temperature of the cold water to maintain thermal balance, and this process needs to burn more calories.

Eat more protein:

The body needs more calories to digest proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates and fats. Eating proteins also helps keep you feeling full and avoid eating large amounts of food.

The best sources of protein that can be obtained in our daily diet are meat of various sources, fish, beans, whole grains, nuts, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

Sleep enough:

Proper and adequate sleep improves the metabolism. Lack of sleep is associated with an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin, and a decrease in the satiety hormone leptin. This may explain why many people with little or no sleep feel hungry and have extra difficulty losing weight.

Lack of sleep is also associated with a significantly increased risk of obesity, increased blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, all of which are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Drink green tea:

Green tea combines the benefits of caffeine as a stimulant that helps increase calorie burning, and the presence of catechins, which are substances that increase metabolic rates for an hour or two after consumption.

Drinking two to four cups of green tea (or even regular tea) helps burn about 17% more calories than is burned when doing non-strenuous exercise.

Eat spicy foods:

Foods that contain some hot spices, such as chili peppers, increase metabolic rates even if only temporarily. This is due to the fact that it contains capsaicin.

Despite this, not everyone can afford to eat hot peppers in enough dose to burn calories. For this reason, eating spicy foods (or hot peppers) should be combined with other calorie-burning strategies to avoid side effects and increase calorie burning.

Not skipping breakfast:

   People who skip breakfast at the beginning of the day tend to consume more calories at the end of the day. Skipping breakfast is also linked to higher BMI in teens specifically.

   Although the research and studies supporting a link between skipping breakfast and increased body weight is increasing, it is not enough yet. Therefore, eating a healthy breakfast with integrated elements is a healthy habit within a healthy lifestyle.

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