Emotional trauma and how to deal with it


   Emotional trauma and how to deal with it:

  Young people are exposed to various emotional shocks after the failure of the relationship with the opposite sex or the faltering of this relationship..

Emotional trauma and how to deal with it

  Some of them suffer from the effects of the trauma for weeks or months, and some of them extremize their psychological and behavioral reactions and develop a psychological disorder, and others consider the trauma a useful experience that teaches them life lessons and increases their experience and maturity. and hardness.

   Symptoms of emotional trauma:

    Symptoms of emotional shock include anxiety, tension, lack of focus, isolation, remembering the loved one, trying to contact him, see him and talk to him, in addition to remembering past events and various types of memories associated with the lost lover. On the other hand, his studies or work are negatively affected, and he may fail in his studies and exams, stop studying, or resign from his job. In other cases, the young man may suffer a severe depressive episode or attempt suicide, and so on.

   Causes of emotional trauma:

    Ordinary emotional trauma is an understandable and temporary reaction to the loss of a loved one and is not called a disease or disorder if it does not exceed the realistic limits, and it lasts for weeks or months. Emotional trauma can be considered a normal thing because the youth stage itself is characterized by the intensity of emotions and emotional impulses towards the opposite sex. It is also characterized by the volatility of emotions and the love of experimentation and discovery. Also, the lack of experience in dealing with the opposite sex and with the practical reality and circumstances, makes it normal for the occurrence of disproportionate emotional relationships, which results in It's parting, pain and shocks.

     Different reactions to emotional trauma:

     In sick cases, the reactions can be severe and disruptive, or they last for long periods and are accompanied by emotional and behavioral changes towards the opposite sex, such as the young man turning away from girls completely, or on the contrary, he can become aggressive and retaliatory from the opposite sex, such as the girl establishing multiple relationships that disturb In it, young men are hurting them one by one, after she herself was subjected to an emotional shock from a certain young man.

      The reactions to emotional shocks vary among young people, according to the personality of the young man or girl, his previous experiences and his self-confidence, and the more confident the young man or woman is, the greater his ability to overcome difficulties. The reactions are also related to the circumstances of the relationship itself and the way it ended. The general rule is that the sudden unexpected end causes a negative impact that is greater and stronger than the expected or understood end. A person needs to rationalize and understand the trauma and explain its causes and circumstances.. The ambiguity and lack of clarity in the reasons for the end of the relationship creates intense anxiety that is incomprehensible and is not easy to understand and digest and thus adapt to and overcome.

       In the case of emotional shock, many resort to spiritual and religious methods and practices to alleviate the stress of the crisis they are experiencing, and they are useful in such cases. Some of them try to forget the lover through spatial distance, such as moving from his place of residence, work or college so that he does not see the beloved or hear about him.. He tries to resist himself and feelings of weakness, pain and loss by escaping from them.. This may benefit temporarily, but it is a childish or immature way to deal with The shock is direct, and it can have many negative effects in the long run. And some of them jump into another emotional adventure quickly, according to the principle of “cured it with that which was the disease.” This often does not help, and the young man must be absolved of his crisis and shock before he has another successful relationship.

Emotional trauma and how to deal with it

    therapeutic approaches:

    From the psychological aspects, we can say that it is useful to talk about the emotional crisis and to express pain, sorrow and loss, and to acknowledge these emotions and emotions in order to overcome them. The young man does this with himself, or through dialogue with his friends and acquaintances, or with a psychotherapist.

Temporary distance away from the event, such as a short vacation or a trip, is useful to get away from the painful atmosphere, which gives an opportunity to evaluate the situation with a different, positive vision, instead of indulging in feelings of pain, frustration and longing.

  And some cases need more specialized psychological or pharmacological treatment if the symptoms of the shock are severe or prolonged and disabling.

   In terms of prevention, it must be said that clarity is always required in dealing with oneself and the other, and the young man must review himself, his relationships, behavior and priorities.. He can benefit from life stories, friends and family, culture, books, and various media regarding emotional issues. and its problems.

     It is necessary to confront the problems with the other party from the beginning instead of letting them escalate and grow and lead to separation.. Points must be put on the letters in the event that it is impossible to continue the relationship, understanding and sane dialogue on the reasons for separation, in order to preserve friendship and friendship even if love ends and the relationship ends.. which It facilitates separation and digestion and mitigates the effects of emotional trauma.

   There must be a realistic culture of love that emphasizes the development of personal skills, understanding, dialogue, extension of the other, maturity, and emotional and practical responsibility. Many of the reckless sexes are a source of emotional crises for others.

   A final word.. We must say that “crisis is an opportunity,” according to the Chinese proverb, and emotional ordeal can turn into an opportunity for growth and a test of life and self, no matter what the pains accompanying the suffering of emotional shock, and it can constitute lessons for the young man and woman and make them more solid and more mature in emotional and life aspects.

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