Fear of losing parents: How is the treatment and care?


  Fear of losing parents:

    The fear of losing parents is justified in view of their value in the lives of the children, and to the extent of the shock caused by the news of the death of one of them, that before it happens creates a strong fear within the small hearts of children and a controlling obsession that dwells in their souls and fills them with permanent fear that can turn into a pathological condition that seeks For treatment and accompaniment to get rid of the effects of these annoying and harmful concerns.

Fear of losing parents

   As parents are the source of safety for their children, and they are strength, bond and tenderness when we face the cruelty of time, none of them hesitate to provide help and assistance in all cases. They bear the burdens and problems of their children, and give them love and care, so the loss of them or the loss of one of them was a great void in the lives of the children and it appears to many as a loss after them and an irreparable loss.

Fear of losing parents:

   In discussing the fear of losing one's parents, it is necessary to know the meaning of death or loss; 

Which is defined as the departure of the soul from the body.

 It is accompanied by a complete cessation of the continuity of life and manifestations of growth in all parts of the body.

 Sections of fear of death:

  • The fear of death is a common mental illness, and it is one of the types of phobia. 
  • This disease is due to several reasons, and is not limited only to the lack of religious background.
  •  But it may be due to people not being aware of the mental illnesses they may suffer from. 
The fear of death is divided into the following:

  •  Fear of the general concept of death, which is the loss of one or both parents.
  •  The death of a friend or brother, or a close person, or even just to see funerals. 
  • A person's fear of death, which is the thought of accidents and sudden death. This has a negative impact on the immune system and leads to many mental illnesses.

What are the causes of fear of losing parents?

   There are several reasons that enhance the feeling of fear of losing or dying parents, which are as follows: 

  • Love and strong attachment to parents may be considered the most prominent causes of fear of losing them.
  •  Unstable living conditions simultaneous with the occurrence of earthquakes, wars, floods or the spread of epidemics.
  •  Constant quarrels with parents may reinforce feelings of guilt and fear of losing parents. 
  • The occurrence of deaths in the family environment, and is considered one of the most sensitive causes, especially for children.
  •  Introversion and lack of integration into social relationships reinforce the feeling of fear, especially within children.

Common Symptoms of Fear of Losing Parents:

 There are several symptoms that may appear if a person feels fear of losing his parents, and the most prominent of these symptoms are:

  • Feeling of tingling in the chest when talking about death.
  •  Isolation and introversion, which may reach the point of depression. Feeling insomnia, disturbed sleep and seeing nightmares. Shortness of breath and a feeling of suffocation.
  • Desire to feel cared for, by pretending to be sick, to get more parental attention and care.
  •  pessimistic view of life. 
  • Crying for the slightest reason.
  • Sweating and suffocation during prayer and sometimes crying.
  •  Treating fear of losing parents

 When discussing the fear of losing parents, it is necessary to identify the most prominent methods of treatment and coping with the fear of losing parents. This is done in several ways, the most prominent of which are the following:

Determination and resolve :

 That the person is fully aware of his problem, has the desire to solve it and overcome it, and can also fight the feeling of fear of losing parents, by getting closer to God and performing the prayer on time. To get rid of obsessions and fears of loss.

 Integration into social relations: 

which is represented in getting close to parents in particular and accompanying them as much as possible, as well as talking to those close to family and friends and not leaving oneself a prey to isolation. And the loneliness that reinforces those fears within the human being

 It can also be used to exercise to get rid of these fears of the best types of sports useful in this case is walking, running, and swimming. And mental sports represented in some games such as chess.


- Reading is one of the most effective ways to confront the phobia of losing parents, due to its effective role in mental activation of the person.

- Not being given the opportunity to be distracted by these fears, as reading helps to improve the psychological and moral state of the person, but care must be taken when choosing the books to be read. And to have soft ideas and carry an optimistic tone.

 Avoiding emotion:

 The main role of emotion is to expose a person to stress and mood swings. This enhances the feeling of fear and phobia of losing parents, so it is necessary to completely stay away from exposure to disputes or sharp discussions that may cause tension.

One of the most important tips that you should pay attention to is emotional stability, which is one of the main factors for getting rid of fear and frustration.

 Entertainment use:

- The importance of entertainment means in improving the psychological state of the phobic sufferer, and among the most prominent means of entertainment; 

-Follow-up on television and theatrical dramas.

- And electronic games, which enhances its ability to resist the annoying symptoms and consequences of phobias

-Travel and trips are also one of the most important means of entertainment, which avoids the patient feeling nervous, especially natural places

- As hiking, visiting parks and trips, are among the most effective ways to keep a person away from stress and fears that may control him.


-Routine and continuation of one style in life is one of the most things that enhance the feeling of boredom.

- Boredom is also one of the factors that help to reinforce internal fears. People have frustration with it. Therefore, care must be taken to follow different lifestyles, visit different places and integrate into new social relationships.

- Meet new friends

- He should also be interested in practicing some unfamiliar hobbies, and follow some daily habits that he is not accustomed to practicing.

In order to get rid of boredom and frustration.


 The diet is closely related to the mood of the person, as the food pattern that contains saturated fats. 

It causes mood swings greatly, and causes spasms in the abdomen and digestive system, so care must be taken to change the diet saturated with fats and cholesterol. 

And replace it with a comprehensive diet of vegetables and fruits.

 What are the reasons why children feel fear of losing their parents?

 When discussing the fear of losing parents, it is necessary to identify the main reasons why children fear losing their parents, which are as follows:

  •  Losing a close relative such as a grandfather, grandmother or friend at school. 
  • Loss of a child's pet such as a cat or dog. 
  • Or the loss of a close friend or neighbor to one of his parents, which reinforces the occurrence of the same loss for him, whether for his father or his mother.
  •  Frequent mention of death and talking about it in front of the child.
  •  Going through tragic accidents.
  •  Having a chronic disease, which results in an inner feeling of facing death at any moment.
  •  Watch a detailed scene of death through the dramas.
  •  Providing false information to the child about death, which leads to him bringing in what he lacks of false information from the subconscious.
  •  Attend funerals and enter cemeteries. 

Tips to help the child get rid of death phobia There are several tips that must be followed when discovering a child's pathological fear of losing his parents, the most important of which are:

  •  Enhancing the child's sense of self-confidence and safety. 
  • The child's participation in school activities that require team spirit, such as scouting. Motivate the child to do housework. 
  • Relaxation and deep breathing exercises. 
  • Encouraging the child to read the morning and evening adhkaar to give him peace of mind. 
  • Provide correct information about the fact of death.

  Children who suffer from these dominant obsessions, regardless of their age, need to be supported by parents, relatives, teachers or trusted adults and friends, who can talk to them and rely on their help because the treatment of this deadly fear does not take place in isolation from society and His relationships and does not happen outside of care in the family and society, and even specialized advice from doctors and psychiatrists.

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