How To Prepare for a Job Interview?


How To Prepare for a Job Interview? 

How To Prepare for a Job Interview

1- Familiarity with details about the company and the nature of its work
2- Prepare the necessary documents in advance.
3- Training on the interview and briefing the details of the CV.
4-  Get a good night's sleep the night before the interview.
5- Arrive before the scheduled interview.
6- The importance of the impact of the first position on you.
7- Short answers show a clear mind.
8- Investing your credit and previous experience.
9- Prove that you are a good candidate with strengths.
10- Don't talk about your own problems.
11-  The importance of the questions you can ask.
12- Speaking as belonging to the institution.
13- Avoid the embarrassment of talking about salary.
14- Don't make too many promises that may be beyond your      apabilities.
15- Treat everyone with responsibility and respect.
16- Body language is very important, pay attention to your  movements.
17- Support your interview with a thank you letter.

   A job interview is a real opportunity to get a job or a job that can change your life, secure a future, and improve your social position. Therefore, the job interview was of great importance. Talah asked the question: How  To Prepare for a job interview? concerns all those who want to apply for a job and hope to succeed in it? This difficult test that makes them live for a while in tension and anxiety and puts great pressure on them.

Being well prepared for this interview will help you to go to the interview with confidence and present the optimal image by which to overcome this obstacle, and although the CV you submitted is of great importance, the interview is considered more important to secure a successful job.

 The time before the interview will be important for investment and good preparation, and it will be important in collecting information and identifying the details of the entity or company to which you will apply for the job. You must then:

1- Familiarity with details about the company and the nature of its work:

   It may be through good research on your part that it is important to have a solid background about the company and its field of work. Before conducting a job interview, take the time to peruse the company's website to learn about its customers, its bosses and the services it provides. Most likely, the employer can be convinced of your suitability for the job if you are well informed and accurate about the details of the company or institution, its position in relation to its peers in the market, its production and what role you are required to provide for it. Remember that as soon as you can see yourself as part of the “bigger picture,” you will be able to formulate your answers better.

Some experts and business owners who run companies that accept job applicants and conduct job interviews assert: “The company usually chooses a candidate who has an idea of ​​its activity, history and the position he will occupy, and is very enthusiastic to work within the company’s team.” 

2- Prepare the necessary documents in advance:

Depending on your industry and job application instructions, documents you may need to prepare can include your resume, portfolio, or any previous exams assigned to you by the company.

But you should bring extra copies of your resume with you in case no matter what your field, as not all of the interviewers may have time to review your application thoroughly.

And even if they do, having an extra resume on hand will make you look poised and ready.

It is best to have these documents printed and ready the night before.

3- Training on the interview and briefing the details of the CV:

Emphasizing the importance of exercise will not be enough no matter how often we do it. In general, business owners are skilled in the art of conducting interviews, so it will be very difficult for those who are new to the interview atmosphere to anticipate what is to come, what is the best way to act during the interview and what they have to say to reflect the desired positive image of them. Read articles about the course of the interview and prepare answers to the most frequently asked questions during interviews. It is recommended that you practice saying them with a friend or someone in your field who represents the interview with you and analyzes your performance and answers during the interview.

And because no one wants to stutter if asked for basic and obvious information during an interview, it's a good idea to memorize your resume to be able to answer any questions about it without any hesitation. As for describing the specific job requirements and the skills required, make sure you provide each of those skills with an example.

4-  Get a good night's sleep the night before the interview:

Following all the above tips will put your mind at ease and help you sleep.

Try to sleep at least 7-9 hours to be fully focused the next day, and this number is the total number of hours you slept, not the number of hours you spent lying in your bed.

You may get a little nervous before you go to bed, so make sure you're in bed an hour before your bedtime.

How To Prepare for a Job Interview

 5- Arrive before the scheduled interview:

Arriving early to the job interview is a real turnout and a clear desire for attention and a serious test of responsibility. Therefore, try to arrive before a sufficient period of up to half an hour to gather the breath, mobilize confidence, comfort and prepare well, and occupy yourself with reading anything related to the work of that company while you are waiting. You can also use your time by reviewing your resume and the answers you prepared to help you feel relaxed and in control. position during the interview.

And if something unexpected or something unexpected happens along the way that delays you, you should call and inform the person responsible for conducting your interview.

6- The importance of the impact of the first position on you:

 As you know, you will never get a second chance to make your first impression. Make sure that your first impression is successful, enthusiastic and professional. Smile when shaking hands and with a clenched fist, pay attention to your body language, gestures, and tone of voice, and remember that the way you deliver the information is just as important as the information itself. Be calm and focused and show your confidence and professionalism through your answers and how they are delivered. It is recommended that your appearance looks purely professional and you must appear in the best way for the interview, and do not speak lightly and disrespectfully about the company's work, principles and orientations.

7- Short answers show a clear mind:

Answer the questions directed to you in a clever and accurate manner and do not dwell and expand on topics that are not connected and unrelated to the axis of the question. Not mentioned in the interview stage. To show the purity of your mind and thought, you have to answer simply and touch the heart of the matter. Try to maintain a cheerful conversation with your answers that will embody your strengths and keep the interviewer motivated to hear more.

8- Investing your credit and previous experience:

You should make sure to support all of your answers with accurate facts and figures to gain credibility in front of the interviewer and show them your insight into the substance of the work. Describe in detail all the goals that you achieved and excel at, and talk about the impact you left in your previous workplace. Be specific about your skills and tell stories of your past successes that prove your point.

9- Prove that you are a good candidate with strengths:

The interviewer is looking forward to hiring the person who holds the trump card who has recorded successes in the same job through his previous workplaces. Be prepared to elaborate on your past success that is directly related to the nature of the current job, the attendant responsibilities, and the skills it requires. Even if your previous job was significantly different from the current job, you can nevertheless mention some success stories that are directly related to the requirements of the current job in terms of personal characteristics and basic skills such as creativity, initiative, ability to solve problems, negotiation style, communication with others and other features .

10- Don't talk about your own problems:

There are two areas that you should not touch on during a job interview and they are your weaknesses and your personal life. Avoid talking about your own affairs. In the case of questions about your weaknesses, it is better to answer briefly or express your desire to develop your expertise in a particular field or to mention one of your strengths. You can also mention a weakness that you have that is not related to the job you will occupy, for example: if you are applying for a creative job in advertising, you can mention that your skills in accounts or investment management are not your strengths and that you would feel more comfortable if you were in a creative job . Don't dwell on your real weaknesses, which are directly related to your ability to work as the job dictates.

11-  The importance of the questions you can ask:

Have a list of important questions that you have prepared in advance that will impress the employer so that he knows that you are familiar with the company’s affairs, and give him the impression that you have made the necessary effort to carefully consider the details of the company.

12- Speaking as belonging to the institution:

If you do your in-depth research on the company's lines, specialization and production, you can speak as if you are part of that company in an impressive way. Maintain a streamlined conversation telling the facts you know about the company, its production, and its competitors.

13- Avoid the embarrassment of talking about salary:

It is not a good idea to ask about salary during the early stages of the interview, as the employer is usually looking for your enthusiasm for the job itself and not your passion for the amount of salary. Most companies have a fixed salary structure, your question should be timely, and prior knowledge of the normal salary rate can save you any embarrassment during the interview.

14- Don't make too many promises that may be beyond your capabilities:

Do not make promises that you are not in a position to carry out, because your excessive confidence will often lead you to the most dire consequences, and if you really want the job, promote your skills in the way you like and stick to stating the facts.

15- Treat everyone with responsibility and respect:

Even if you have a rough day, or your luck falters before reaching the interview venue, don't be rude or sour with anyone in or around the company, whether with the security guard in the lobby, or anyone you meet on the street.

This person may happen to be an employee of some department within the company.

He won't think that you might have gone through something really bad before meeting him, all he knows is that you stumbled and mocked him on your way to the office.

How To Prepare for a Job Interview

16- Body language is very important, pay attention to your movements:

Recruiters pay close attention to body language, eye contact, facial expressions, body posture, shaking hands, and fiddling with something during the interview all play a very important role in the impression you make during the interview.

 Many of these signals are unintended, they are just automatic reactions to how you are feeling inside.

17- Support your interview with a thank you letter:

Thank you letters are a surefire way to differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Any recruiter would be happy with it, but applicants often forget it.

Try to send a thank you letter within 24 hours of the interview, and be sure to thank everyone who interviewed you individually.

It is essential that your letter include:

  • A summary of what you expect to add to the company
  • Any small clarifications or points you didn't mention in the interview
  • A sincere expression of your gratitude and enthusiasm to work with them

  Try to avoid copying and then pasting the same message and sending it to everyone.

   This can be counterproductive, so try as much as you can to write a separate letter for each of them, and show your writing skills.

How To Prepare for a Job Interview

   In the end, we should know the importance of the interview in order to obtain a job. My understanding is the decisive station in this process. There is no doubt that all those who apply for a job often have academic qualifications and specialty skills that are close or equal to allow the management of the job position for which they are applying.

    But the most important and decisive is what distinguishes them from each other in terms of social gains, intelligence in dealing, managing public relations, good behavior within the work environment and adapting to the connections within this complex space, and these qualifications are not possessed by everyone and are the characteristics that the interviews show And reveal the elements that we talked about.

   The interview reveals to the employer the psychological capacity of the candidate as an addition to the company and a new gain on many levels that is not limited to the academic qualifications and practical skills required in the first degree.

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