Story of Friendship and Love


 Once upon a time, there was a very poor girl, but nobody loved her. The girl lived alone, but she needed to have a friend. After some time, she met a very rich girl who was a very humble person.

Story of Friendship and Love

They began to talk and soon became very good friends. They were very close friends and had much affection for each other. The poor girl didn't have parents nor a house to sleep in, so the rich girl decided to invite her friend to live in her house as they had a good friendship.

From that moment on, everybody understood that the rich girl had valued her friendship and had shown great affection for her new friend and she was worried about her safety.

The two girls were always together and never argued and lived happily ever after.

Once the rich girl got ill, she suffered from a high fever for long days and thus was admitted to the hospital. She had been suffering from a high fever for a long time. She had got more critical, and doctors said that she is having low haemoglobin in her body and immediately blood needed to be transferred to her body. At that time nobody's blood group matched hers but only the poor girl's blood group matched.

The poor girl didn't even think for a second and gave her blood. Everyone was awed by their love and people were very happy that they had a pure friendship full of love.

Soon the rich girl was discharged from the hospital and was healthy again. They set an example of true friendship and love, with time their bond became stronger and they enjoyed each other's company. They became more than friends.

Moral of the Story

True friends are the one who always supports and stands by you in any situation.

Importance of Friendship and Love Stories

  • Such stories develop the imagination and creativity of a child
  • It helps kids to learn how to love others
  • Love stories make kids learn that in life we should love all
  • Such stories develop cognitive skills
  • These stories imbibe basic moral values of life in a child.

Interesting Facts about Friendship and Love

  • Every friendship is unique and different.
  • Animals can form lifelong friendships with humans.
  • In a lifetime, we make many friends, but only a few last forever.
  • Yellow is known as the synonym for friendship. It is the colour of friendship.


In this era friendship and love is very important and one should make friends. We should have selected friends who are with us, and we should develop love and trust for them. We should never cheat in friendship and love.


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